Accommodating changes in Scrum

Agile manifesto clearly says give more value to Individuals and Interaction than to process and tools.

This means there can be occasions while building product/feature we come across change sometimes small enough (Remember, in a software development phase it is very much possible to get changes) that could be easily absorbed in a sprint but if team says we need to prioritize this in next sprint as this is a change and should be followed as a process then we really need to rethink on this.

Scrum is a lightweight framework and this clearly means we should try to avoid too much of process. This "we" includes  Product owner,Team.

When a change need to be accommodated within the sprint then team should see if this impacts overall plan for the sprint, if yes just talk to PO and negotiate with some low priority work. if no then they should just implement instead of wasting efforts in following process.

And at the same Product owner should try to think through the solution effectively and come up with clear backlog which would help in keeping foundation of the technical design simple. Rather than taking advantage of Scrum that they can suggest change at any time.

The best product comes out when there is a extensive collaboration between PO and Team.

These are some of the tips which would help create a win-win situation for everyone.


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