Difference between a User Story and a Use Case?
What is a User Story? Simply put, written from the context of the user as a simple statement about their feature need. They should generally have this format. "As a -role-, I want -goal/desire- so that -benefit-" How is a User Story different than a Use Case? While a use case is highly structured and tells a story, the User Story sets the stage by stating the need. A User Story is the prelude to the use case by stating the need before the use case tells the story. How does the User Story fit into the process? User Stories are great as an activity in collecting and prioritizing the high level features. Getting this initial feedback from the customer is a simple way of trying to get all of their needs identified and prioritized. The User Stories will then morph themselves into the business requirements and use cases. USE CASE Template- Use Case Element Description Use Case Number ID to represent your use case Application Wha...