Top 8 principles of Continuous Delivery
Jez Humble and Dave Farley defined the following principles in their Book “Continuous Delivery”: Repeatable reliable process – use the same release process in all environments. If a feature or enhancement has to work through one process on the way into the integration find a way of popping up. Automate everything – automate your builds, your testing, your releases, your configuration changes and everything else. Manual processes are inherently less repeatable, more prone to error and less efficient. Once you automate a process, less effort is needed to run it and monitor its progress – and it will ensure you get consistent results. Version control everything – code, configuration, scripts, databases, documentation. Everything! Having one source of truth – and a reliable one – gives you a stable foundation to build your processes upon. “Bring the pain forward” – deal with the hard stuff first. Time-consuming or error prone tasks should be dealt with as soon...