
Showing posts from September 20, 2015

Poka-Yoke - Continuous Improvement Technique

Poka-Yoke   is a device or method that prevents people from making mistakes. The word in Japanese means mistake proofing or error proofing. What habits we can have in Scrum Sprints: 1. PO must have this constant habit of thinking "Is this User story solving the problem"? 2. Developers must do code check-in when all the team members are there. This will create a stable build. 3. Scrum Master need to constantly think of not only current sprint status but also about next sprint risks/dependencies. 4. QA must have a habit of checking the software on every code check-in and not when all the features are available. If any logical feature/test case is finished QA should start verifying it. 5. QA must interact with Dev on regular basis to share the observations. Bugs reported much early in the sprint cycle is better than later. Can someone think of any other habits?