Why some companies fail to implement scrum
These days Agile word is quite popular and many companies are adopting the principles of Agile however there are companies who start well but soon find difficulty in implementing scrum. There can be many reasons to it 1) Top management feels that team is taking advantage of Scrum process and not delivering the business value which is expected. Team may be questioning a lot in terms of priority and clear product backlog. And for some top management everything is MUST and they feel that why cant team work on all the priority items and deliver the maximum productivity. 2) Another reason could be that Top management do not have enough resource (RIGHT people) to play the scrum roles hence they expect people to play multiple roles which in turn creates a lot of other issues which top management does not realize. 3) finally top management think they are losing control over team and they need to follow what team says. They can't direct team and push them to do what they want. W...