User story writing issues, causes and tips

Issue -

While the concept of User story is now quite old but still there are still cases where we see the stories are incomplete and not having enough details which would make team feel confident.

Possible Cause of the Issue -

  1. Reason for such issue could be due to the culture change. With Agile culture, documents are converted into discussions and Product/business feel that details are not required for documented as this is already discussed in the team meeting. And this will remain in either emails or with some people with whom it was discussed. 
  2. Another reason is that it takes time to understand and clarify the requirements queries coming from team by the product/business who are not exactly the user rather some documenting people whose job is to write stories.
Tips to handle such issues  -
  1. To handle issues with culture, I would advise to listen to team and collaborate with team. It is very much important to understand what team wants. Documenting details would help not only now but also later in case some new people joins during later product life cycle.Documenting details  also helps in bringing the thoughts clearly what we want and it may happen something new can come up. 
  2. Another tip I would suggest is to understand if the product is technical and requires technical details to be documented then look for the consumer of those APIs or technical stuff and consider them as your customer and write stories accordingly. try to align with business aspect with it.
  3. To handle the skill issue, I would suggest to have at least 2-3 interactions with the real customer who is the user and would imagine the impact of doing what team is currently developing or would develop. It is not only needed to document correct things but it is required to test the requirement with its user.


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