Advice and tips to the Product Owner

While Scrum Guide clearly mentions what Product Owner role is and what is expected. But in the real life projects, there are number of cases where Product owner role is not played as per the expectations.

Why? There can be many reasons to it but the prominent is budget constraint to companies. Due to which PO is given at a time 3-4 projects to work on. While this may be working in some cases but in most cases this scenario never works and gives bad results.

Ideally,  PO need to focus on a single product backlog by continuous conversations with stakeholders, Users and SMEs and translate the most clear defined requirement to team for development.

But this never happens, PO gets the requirement and do not have time to analyze so the half cooked requirement is explained to team and more conversations are happening without any constructive results.

here's what needs to be done to correct it:

  1. PO need to be sure of "what User wants vs What User Needs" 
  2. PO must know "Why" this is needed and can i use this.
  3. PO must be able to prioritize 
  4. PO must be able to identify what is ambiguous requirement and which one is clear.
  5. PO must block time for him to analyze from all angles what this requirement is.
  6. PO has to focus one project at a time ( depending on the length)
  7. PO must know the consequences of not doing this requirement - this will help in priortizing
  8. PO must know the tricks to split the work
  9. PO must collaborate with team often to get feedback.
  10. finally the most important,  PO must know how Scrum works.


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