Top 10 unanswered questions in Scrum/Agile

Few areas which has no direct answer in Scrum/Agile:

1. How can we estimate/forecast the project when all the user stories/requirements are not available at the beginning of the project lifecycle?

2. How can we define the architecture for the project when all the final requirements are not freezed?

3. What level of documentation is essential / Must to do in Scrum based projects?

4. How can we avoid a scrum sprint to become a mini waterfall?

5. How can Manual QA add value to a scrum sprint? Other than Testing!

6. Who is responsible of sprint delivery ? Development team/Scrum Master/Product Owner?

7.  Can we avoid controlling type of management in Scrum? Is the team really empowered in the Scrum to take decisions? What about the advise on technology where budgetary constraint would come? 

8.  How to measure the value of Scrum Master? If the sprint is delivered as per commitment then can the scrum master be awarded for that?

9.  Can Scrum run with Freshers and partial available resources? Or this requires experienced technical professionals?

10. Does Management need Productivity or value of the delivery in Scrum based project? 


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