Top 11 Capabilities of Agile Coach

  • Promoting collaboration in challenging circumstances - For example - in the Delivery pipeline, due to a abnormal code check-in, a critical issue has occurred. Coach need to look for solution by collaborating instead of blaming the team member. 
  • Searching for truth/a solution relentlessly - For example - a problem is reported by someone and it looks small and has little impact still the solution should be identified as you never know when a small issue becomes a big one. 
  • Honesty and trustworthiness - For example - a coach need to get out of a situation where coach feels can be handled by the team. This builds trust within the team. 
  • A learning attitude (proactive and learning from mistakes) -For example - A decision has gone wrong and does not bring the positive results . then the coach need to learn and change. 
  • Humility and Assertiveness - For example - be open in talking to team in giving feedback. 
  • Guiding people without controlling them - For example - be a coach. 
  • Detachment (ability to step out of a situation) - For example - let team solve a problem when they found. for example code check-in issues/build/deployment issues. 
  • An attitude of service without expecting recompense - For example - be ready to handle different type of people with different attitude. always wear the coach hat and handle with same gesture.. 
  • Understanding of transformative learning - 
  • Conflict resolution as learning (not negotiation) - 
  • Encouraging creativity -For example- Team is planning to do something different, allow them to try that.


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