What, Why and How - Story Point Estimation

1. Story point estimate is an amalgamation of the amount of effort involved in developing
the feature, the complexity of developing it, the risk inherent in it, and so on.

2. The first approach is to select a story that you expect to be one of the smallest stories you’ll work with and say that story is estimated at 1 story point.

3. The second approach is instead to select a story that seems somewhat medium-sized and give it a number somewhere in the middle of the range you expect to use.

4. Velocity is a measure of a team’s rate of progress. It is calculated by summing the number of story
points assigned to each user story that the team completed during the iteration.

If the team completed three stories each estimated at five story points then their velocity would be fifteen. If the team completed two five-point stories their velocity would be ten.

5. On any given day, in addition to working on the planned activities of a project, a team member may spend time answering email, making a support call to a vendor, interviewing a candidate for the open analyst position, and in two meetings.

When estimating in ideal days you assume that:
◆ the story being estimated is the only thing you’ll work on
◆ everything you need will be on hand when you start
◆ there will be no interruptions

6. Ideal time and elapsed time are different. The ideal time of a game of American football is sixty minutes (four fifteen-minute quarters). However, three or more hours will typically pass on a clock before a sixty-minute game is finished. The reason for the difference, of course, is all the interruptions that may occur during the game.

Planning poker should force people to think independently

Source- Agile Estimation and Planning book 


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