6 Productivity ideas in Agile

Productivity is defined as the production output per unit of input. I.e. dollars out / dollars in. 

Assuming a fixed team working on a single product, your cost is (almost constant) for each sprint. The only way productivity can increase is by increasing the delivered value. That can be done by: 
1) not building anything with 0 value, thus minimizing waste. 
2) minimizing dead time. In software development that translates to: 
- fast dev machines (minimize the devs waiting on builds and deployments). 
- keep the build fast 
- make deployments simple (e.g. hot deployments with JRebel) 
- minimize dev env setup time (e.g. using Vagrant). 
3) minimizing rework. This one translates to: 
- keep the code releasable at all times using CI 
- high coverage, layered automatic testing (aka agile release onion). 
4) allowing the team to work uninterrupted 
- minimizing external interference (including from management :) 
- providing a quiet work space 
- structuring the team in a way which prevents multi-tasking (assign team members against a work stream for the sprint) 

5) What will not increase productivity is putting pressure on people. 

6)What to measure to encourage a better productivity? In no particular order, here's a list of things that in my experience impact productivity and can be used to drive improvement: 
- checkin frequency / developer (high is good). 
- unit test code coverage (high is good). 
- build duration * frequency (lower is better). 
- variance in committed sprint scope (lower is better). 
- variance in committed release scope (lower is better). 
- SPI and CPI (see Earned Value PM method). 
- mean time between stable system builds (low is good); one can look at frequencies at various levels in the release onion. 
- number of defects detected post release (low is good).

""A team could be very productive but just be producing the wrong software.""


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