Scrum Master- A Facilitator


One of the most important sets of skills for leaders are facilitation skills. These are the "process" skills we use to guide and direct key parts of our organizing work with groups of people such as meetings, planning sessions, and training of our members and leaders.

Facilitation has three basic principles:
  • A facilitator is a guide to help people move through a process together, not the seat of wisdom and knowledge. That means a facilitator isn't there to give opinions, but to draw out opinions and ideas of the group members.
  • Facilitation focuses on how people participate in the process of learning or planning, not just on whatgets achieved
  • A facilitator is neutral and never takes sides
facilitating actually means:
  • Understanding the goals of the meeting and the organization
  • Keeping the group on the agenda and moving forward
  • Involving everyone in the meeting, including drawing out the quiet participants and controlling the domineering ones
  • Making sure that decisions are made democratically


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