1. BDD is usually done in very English-like language helps the Domain experts to understand the implementation rather than exposing the code level tests. Its defined in a GWT format, GIVEN WHEN & THEN.
  2. Behavior-driven development combines the general techniques and principles of TDD with ideas from domain-driven design
  3. Instead of writing tests you should think of specifying behavior. Behavior is how the user wants the application to behave.
  4. When your development is Behavior-driven, you always start with the piece of functionality that’s most important to your user. I consider this phase as taking the developer hat off and putting the user hat on. Once you've specified the user needs, you put the developer hat back on and implement your specification.
  5. Test-driven development focuses on the developer’s opinion on how parts of the software should work. Behavior-driven development focuses on the users’ opinion on how they want your application to behave.


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