Top 10 Technical skills for Scrum Master

There are number of articles written on Scrum Master role and responsibilities. Most of the articles talks about the behavioral  aspects which is definitely expected in a Scrum Master. As this is a Leadership role, people skills are needed to help coach the team. While these skills are needed, I want to talk about the technical skills which a Scrum master should have which can further grow a Scrum Master.

If these technical skills  are known to Scrum Master, then it will help in better understanding the problem which your team is facing and this can also help in resolving any blocker that your team may have. This does not mean SM will debug and start resolving the issues on his own. SM with these tech skills will ask questions which can uncover the unknown areas and can lead to solution.

here's the top technical skills which I strongly recommend a SM to have:

  1. Tech stack- Be aware of the tech stack your team is using. Your team may be using Java /python/.NET for the backend development and React/AngularJS/Javascript for front end development. Find out the tech stack and be aware of the basics and particularly the reason of using this tech stack.
  2. API - Now a days it is common to develop APIs using REST architectural style which helps in talking to multiple components.Understand what REST is and how this is different to SOAP.
  3. Architecture - A high level understanding of the architecture is definitely helpful. Understand what Micro services architecture is and in which while scenario that can be helpful.
  4. Mobile technologies - Android/iOS and the main platform on which apps are built. It is better to understand the tools and technologies which developers use to develop apps on these platforms. Android studio and Swift SDK knowledge can enhance the knowledge in mobile areas.
  5. Monitoring tools - like Splunk
  6. Code management tool - like GIT
  7. Unit testing tools - like jUNIT
  8. Built tools - like Jenkins
  9. Code coverage tools  - Like Sonar
  10. UI automation tool- like selenium


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