
Showing posts from August 23, 2015

Tips for the Scrum Master

Be passionate about Scrum/Agile- Scrum Master must know Why  and How Scrum is beneficial. Self Organizing- Before managing/organizing others Scrum Master should manage himself/herself.  Scrum Master should have a clear plan for the day, how does he want to spend the whole day. Scrum Master should ask questions to understand the gaps/opportunity. Scrum Master must give importance to people and relationships. Keep the team motivated Finally the most important, be open to feedback/criticism so that you can learn new ways of tackling.

7 Tips for backlog grooming/refinement meeting

Backlog Grooming meeting should be timeboxed and ready stories should be identified prior to meeting. Ensure that the Acceptance criteria has specific details which can be tested and verified. Acceptance Criteria should be agreed with team so that they could point out any ambiguity/unknown points. Tester should have seen the acceptance criteria (prior to Backlog grooming meeting)to suggest any possible test cases which could be covered for example common UI validations. Try to identify the negative scenarios which could be critical for team to handle during implementation. Use Whiteboard to explain user stories and business flow Any assumptions/queries/risks should be noted to be handled later.  Enough details should be there so that additional found in sprint should not change the scope of work